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Get to be helper!

To get to be volunteer helper on #Assistance channel complete the form below, but first read the text from the right.
Thank you!

Helper Form

Your real name :
Your Nationality :
Languages spoken :
Your E-mail :
Your IRC nickname :
Your Undernet username :

If you allready posted a form click HERE to check it`s status!


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Read before you complete

First before you complete the form from the left you need to know :
1. If you get accepted and you help users on #Assistance, you will not get paid, you do it for free!
2. Everyone that is accepted as a helper is added with 1 access to X and autovoice, don`t beg for more, you will get more when we will trust you and when we will see that you are capable to help users.
3. You don`t have to give any test to get to be an OP (@), you will be trained by ops everytime you help wrong.
4. If you don`t know how to help someone ask an op to help him. It`s better for you to ask an op to help than if you help wrong.
5. On the channel don`t use excesive /me, /ame, colors, bold, don`t advertise, don`t trade, don`t ask for supporters for your channel. If you don`t respect the rules you may be banned without any warning.
6. #Assistance is NOT an official Undernet help channel, we help because we enjoy seeing people happy!
7. If you have a client logged in with your username please keep it on the channel, even if it is only a BNC -bouncer-.
8. If you cannot obey these rules, please do not apply for this "job" !
9. Thank you for your interest of volunteering as a helper in our channel in your free time, thank you again. :-)

Download helping material

IRCop Manual
Virus Removal stuff
mIRC addon

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